Wednesday, June 22, 2011

My Visit to Sonoma Wine Country

Big arranged for us to visit Sonoma and go wine tasting. I like the idea of wine tasting and I would go with mia or the bestest to a few wine places back home but I never really got into it.

Then the bestest started making his own wine, and honestly it was better than the kinds I had tried so I sorta got out of the wine loop for a while.

I expressed to Big my desire to start back up learning about wines and going to wine tasting. I asked him if he'd like to go with me to a few places I found close by. He said he'd do me one better and take me to Sonoma to visit a vineyard and have one of the best wine tasting experiences this side of France.

He decided to take me to a winery owned by one of the Doobie Brothers. Of course he would, he's all about music so how perfect is that.

The sommelier instantly recognized Big and gave us the red carpet treatment. Sometimes I swear Big knows everyone! We got a free personal tour of the grounds and we got to sample a lot of great wines.

Big signed us up for their Wine Club so now we get 6 bottles a year from these guys. I learned a good bit actually and I'm looking forward to learning more. Good thing this won't be my last trip to Sonoma!
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